Boston Simplus Multi Action Solution 120 ml

100% recommends
In stock
This solution is exclusively intended for the care of hard contact lenses.
Estimated dispatch date Monday 6.5. select attributes...
International Express (1–4 Days) $19.90 - $34.90
EU Express (1–2 Days) $9.90 - $14.90
FedEx Express (AM) $21.90
FedEx Express (KZ) $19.90
FedEx Express (KG) $19.90

Properties - Boston Simplus Multi Action Solution 120 ml

Manufacturer: Bausch and Lomb
Expiration: 12 months and more
Volume: 120 ml
Usability after opening: 3 months
Preservatives: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


226 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified


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