Queen's Saline rinsing solution 100 ml

99% recommends
In stock
This solution is only intended for rinsing contact lenses. It cannot be used to clean or store contacts.
Estimated dispatch date Wednesday 1.5. select attributes...
International Express (1–4 Days) $19.90 - $34.90
EU Express (1–2 Days) $9.90 - $14.90
FedEx Express (AM) $21.90
FedEx Express (KZ) $19.90
FedEx Express (KG) $19.90

Properties - Queen's Saline rinsing solution 100 ml

Manufacturer: Soleko
Volume: 100 ml
Usability after opening: 3 months
Preservatives: Yes
Medical Device: Yes


68 of our customers recommend this product reviews are not verified


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